Class VI - Science

Chapter - 16 Garbage in, Garbage out

Garbage has both useful and not useful components. The non-useful component is separated out. It is then spread over the landfill and then covered with a layer of soil. Once the landfill is completely full, it is usually converted into a park or a playground. For the next 20 years or so, no building is constructed on it. To deal with some of the useful components of garbage, compost making areas are developed near the landfill.

The method of preparing compost with the help of red worms is called vermicomposting. All kind of plastics give out harmful gases, upon heating or burning. These gases may cause many health problems, including cancer, in humans. The government has also laid down guidelines for recycling of plastics. Converting plant and animal waste including that from kitchen, into manure, is called composting.

The method of making compost from kitchen garbage using red worms is called vermicomposting. „ Paper can be recycled to get useful products.

Plastics cannot be converted into less harmful substances by the process of composting.

We need to generate less waste and find ways of dealing with the increasing amount of garbage in our surroundings.

  1. We make a minimum use of plastic bags. We re-use the bags whenever it is possible to do so without any adverse effects.
  2. We insist shopkeepers use paper bags. We carry a cloth or a jute bag when we go out for shopping.
  3. We do not use plastic bags to store eatables.
  4. We do not throw plastic bags here and there, after use.
  5. We never burn plastic bags and other plastic items.
  6. We do not put garbage in plastic bags and throw it away.
  7. We use vermicomposting at home and deal with our kitchen waste usefully.
  8. We recycle paper.
  9. We use both sides of the paper to write. We use a slate for rough work. We use blank sheets of paper left in our notebooks for rough work.
  10. We make our family, friends and others to follow proper practices for disposing different kinds of wastes. The most important point to know and think about is that — more garbage we generate,
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