Class VII - Science

Chapter - 14 Electric Current and its Effects

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  • It is convenient to represent electric components by symbols. Using these, an electric circuit can be represented by a circuit diagram.
  • When an electric current flows through a wire, the wire gets heated. It is the heating effect of current. This effect has many applications.
  • The key or switch can be placed anywhere in the circuit.
  • When the switch is in the ‘ON’ position, the circuit from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal is complete. The circuit is then said to be closed and the current flows throughout the circuit instantly.
  • When the switch is in the ‘OFF’ position, the circuit is incomplete. It is said to be open. No current flows through any part of the circuit.
  • The amount of heat produced in a wire depends on its material, length and thickness. Thus, for different requirements, the wires of different materials and different lengths and thicknesses are used. The wires used for making electric circuits do not normally become hot. On the other hand, the elements of some electric appliances become so hot that they are easily visible. The filament of an electric bulb gets heated to such a high temperature that it starts glowing.
  • Wires made from some special materials melt quickly and break when large electric currents are passed through them. These wires are used for making electric fuses. In all buildings fuses are inserted in all electrical circuits. There is a maximum limit on the current which can safely flow through a circuit. If by accident the current exceeds this safe limit, the wires may become overheated and may cause fire. If a proper fuse is there in the circuit, it will blow off and break the circuit. A fuse is thus a safety device which prevents damages to electrical circuits and possible fires.
  • One reason for excessive currents in electrical circuits is the direct touching of wires. This may happen if the insulation on the wires has come off due to wear and tear. This may cause a short circuit. Another reason for excessive current can be the connection of many devices to a single socket. This may cause overload in the circuit.
  • These days, Miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) are increasingly being used in place of fuses. These are switches which automatically turn off when current in a circuit exceeds the safe limit.
  • When electric current passes through a wire, it behaves like a magnet. This is the magnetic effect of the electric current.
  • When an electric current flows through a wire, it behaves like a magnet.
  • A current carrying coil of an insulated wire wrapped around a piece of iron is called an electromagnet. Electromagnets are used in many devices.

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